Privacy policy


The terms hereunder apply to the website (« The Website » or « MATTER and SHAPE »). Consulting The Website implies full and entire acceptance of the terms hereunder.

Ownership of The Website

The Website is owned by WSN Développement, a French company that is a société par actions simplifiée (SAS) and whose capital is 1.799.073 euros. Its offices are at 12 rue Philippe de Girard, 75010 Paris

Website publishing director: WSN Développement

Conception / Artistic Direction / Development
with the participation of Daniela Melo von Schulthess
Texts: Sophie Peyrard

Website hosting company


with a capital of 10,000,000 €
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing
424 761 419 00045
APE Code 6202A
VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – France.


Information service

For any information or advice, please contact our Customer Services department:

  • By letter addressed to WSN Développement – 12 rue Philippe de Girard, 75010 Paris
  • by e-mail:


The Website is not a retail website but a platform presenting fashion items and accessories (« The Products ») selected according to its own editorial approach and criteria. The Products presented on The Website are the property of third party retail websites (« Retail Websites »), which offer them for sale.

The Website merely selects and displays them based on editorial and style criteria. Products are presented for a period of time determined in particular by the seasons.The user can purchase The Products. The purchase transaction does not take place on The Website and does not involve The Company; it is managed by, and according to the terms of, the Retail Website. To purchase a Product, the user has to click on the Product and supply his or her e-mail address in the window that then appears.

The user is then redirected to the Retail Website. The Website and The Company play no part in the sales process and shall thus not be held responsible for the terms of sale and delivery, nor for the quality or condition of The Products. The price of The Product is displayed on The Website for guidance purposes only, as the actual price may be different due to fluctuations in exchange rates or updates to the Retail Website.Pictures and descriptions of the items and accessories presented do not belong to the Website; they reflect what is presented on the Retail Website.

The Website is not responsible for the content of product descriptions.


The Website is owned by WSN Développement, and WSN Développement owns its copyright according to articles L.111.1 et seq. of the code de la propriété intellectuelle (French copyright law). Photographs, texts, drawings, models, animated sequences, illustrations and all other items that form part of the content of The Website – with the exception of the texts and visuals (pictures and/or videos) presenting The Products – are owned by WSN Développement. The reproduction, representation, use or modification of all or part of The Website or the items that form its content, by whatever process and using whatever medium, without prior authorisation is strictly forbidden and shall be deemed to constitute both copyright infringement and unfair commercial practice.

Data Protection and Privacy

In order to provide the best service for its users and optimise the user experience, The Website asks the user to supply certain information.
Mandatory data required in order to redirect the user towards the Retail Website

  • Optional data that has no effect on processing orders
  • Data protection
  • Cookies
  • Commercial e-mails
  • We need this information in order to process your requests, which are recorded in our customer files and may be accessed and rectified by our customer service department.

If you wish to receive commercial offers from MATTER and SHAPE and/or associated organisations by e-mail, please check the corresponding box when you create your account. You can modify this option later by logging in to your account and checking/unchecking the box.

Mandatory data

Your e-mail: this acts as your account login ID and allows you to manage your subscriptions and receive the newsletter MATTER and SHAPE giving you information about new products and on-line offers from us and/or other companies (except if you choose not to receive the newsletter).

Optional data

Your date of birth: this is an important date for you and MATTER and SHAPE – we have some nice surprises in store for you! Product preferences: these help MATTER and SHAPE suggest services and offers that are adapted to your needs (personalised advice, etc.)

Data protection

MATTER and SHAPE is an independent and free website and will remain that way. Our aim is to present everyday the best picks of the season in Fashion, Beauty and Design. We also offer a selection of inspirational books, music and imagery. We believe in more simple yet essential values such as trust, quality, high standards, and our personal vision of style. Here fashion is handled with care, free of noise, and pop-up attacks.
We don’t trade your data nor overload you with e-mails.

What do we do?

  • We send, every month or two, a newsletter proposing a choice of products that we find exciting and relevant. We are truly happy to share it with you and we would be sad to see you go.
  • We use third-party cookies such as Google Analytics to study our web traffic and we also keep a record of the categories and products you have visited on our site so that we know what appeals to our visitors.

In compliance with RGPD, anyone who logs on to the website is entitled to review, update and delete their personal data, including the deletion of all information pertaining to them. You can exercise this right by logging into your account and clicking on the account icon.


Please note that when you visit, some site cookies may be automatically installed on your browser. You may however deactivate third-party cookies at any time using the cookie management tool in the bottom right of the page.

A cookie is a set of data that does not identify you as a user but which makes it possible to collect and store information relating to the way you browse the website. The purpose is to get to know you better so that we can provide personalised information and advice.

The CNIL website provides full information about deactivating cookies according to the software you are using.

Commercial e-mails

These e-mails identify us and describe the nature of the message in the subject line.

It is possible to block future messages by clicking on a special link at the bottom of each message.

When e-mails are sent to prospective customers who have never previously entered into a commercial relationship with WSN Développement, we ensure that the e-mail databases have been collected fairly and legally; in other words, we ensure that those people have consented to receive such e-mails from other companies.

In addition, before using e-mail databases, we check that they are registered at the CNIL (French data privacy authority).

Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a website analysis service provided by Google Inc. (« Google »). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are text files installed on your computer, to analyse the way you use the website. Web use data generated by cookies (including your IP address) is sent to Google and stored on servers in the USA. Google uses this information to assess your use of the website, to compile reports on website use for the website publisher, and to provide other services relating to the website and the use of Internet in general.

Google may pass this data on to third parties if they are legally obliged to or if third parties process the data on Google’s behalf: this is the case with the publisher of this website. Google will not cross-match your IP address with any other data it holds. You may deactivate cookies by using the appropriate parameters on your browser; however doing so may prevent you from using certain features of The Website. By using The Website, you expressly consent to your personal data being processed by Google under the above-mentioned terms and for the above-mentioned purposes.